Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What do we REALLY need?

When we first found out we were expecting Sea Monkey, I got so excited to buy, buy, buy.  Now, I'll admit, I'm slightly terrified by how much 'baby things' cost, and trying to figure out the difference between essential and luxury.  

On one of our first trips to Babies R Us, Mike had some serious sticker shock.  We both did.  We couldn't believe that a crib or dresser alone would set us back $600.  Maybe for the folks who win powerball this was acceptable, but it certainly wasn't the reality for us!

Recently, I've been thinking about "What do we REALLY need?"  Sure I could be a minimalist.  I could take the advice from the woman I wrote about in Everybody's Got An Opinion and not buy a crib and let Sea Monkey sleep in the laundry basket.  But we're not that crazy.  We're pretty much done furnishing the nursery - crib, mattress, glider, changing table and we're waiting for the dresser to be shipped.  We have the car seat / stroller, bouncer and swing.  And the pack and play.  Who can forget that?  I've started buying diapers and wipes and we have a few clothing items.  In all honesty, we've kind of taken a break from buying things.  Mostly because I hate spending money .... or as Mike would put it, because I'm "cheap".  I suppose I take after my father in that way, whom we've affectionately nick-named the "heat mizer". But I digress ....

So lately I've been looking at lists.  Partly because I'm a weirdo list maker anyway, partly because we really have no idea what we're doing, and partly because, well - they're out there.  I googled "must have baby items" to see if I could get a list of things we really need vs things people think they need.  I suppose it's very subjective since one list I found was only 1 page, while another list was 3 pages.  Helpful?  No.  I think my inner Girl Scout is coming out because I'm finding I tend to gravitate towards the longer lists.  Better to be prepared and not need something than to be pulling my hair out at 3 am because I don't have a pacifier because 'so-and-so' told me I didn't need one but it would sure come in handy right now.  And a bottle of rum.  Rum will always come in handy.  I'll be sure to have plenty of that on hand as well.

Back to my original question - What do we really need?  I'm asking for suggestions here - and it's rare for me to actually ask for anyone's opinion or advice. So mark this day in history, and take advantage - give me your opinion!  What do we really need?   

Photo Update: 
Here's my belly photos from weeks 9 - 20



  1. - Diapers & wipes
    - Crib & blankets
    - Diapers & wipes
    - Some kind of cuddly washable toy for him to sleep with (this is tough, he will latch on to the most unpredictable thing. Seriously - one friend's son latched on to one of his ties... Once you figure out what he wants to latch on to, GET MORE OF IT. Seriously. Having a backup for when the original is in the laundry is good, having replacements when the first and second ones get ratty and nasty is great)
    - Diapers & wipes
    - Swing or bouncy (not all kids like swings or bouncys - you should try to see which he likes more before spending the money)
    - Diapers & wipes
    - Bumbo
    - Humidifier
    - Changing table
    - Baby bottles - lots of them, all different. Like the toy, he will decide pretty quickly which one he likes and will refuse the rest. When he chooses one, get more...

    That's all I can think of. Maybe G will have some more...

  2. I love the fact that you take a picture of you week to week :) You are so adorable!

