Wednesday, June 19, 2013


 In case you don't know, I work for 2 different hospitals.  Since I cut down my hours from 40 to 32, I spend 2 days at each hospital.  Yesterday, my co-workers at one of the hospitals threw me a surprise baby shower!  I was SHOCKED!  I really, really mean it.  Nobody is ever able to surprise me, but they did a great job! 

In the morning, one of my co-workers emailed me and asked if I could come to a meeting at noon to discuss some reports that a doctor needed.  Nothing was on my calendar, so sure, I could be there.  I also invited the new part time person that will be covering my work while I'm on maternity leave - figuring he'd need to be in the loop in case anything came up after I was gone.  So the three of us walk down to the conference room for the meeting.  They open the door and I saw one of my other co-workers - who had no reason to be at the meeting.  Ok, strange.  Then as I walk through the door I see the ENTIRE department there!  They all yelled "Surprise!" and of course took this wonderful photo of me:


Honestly, nobody ever surprises me!  So I was really just floored! It took me a few minutes to come down from the "high" you get when people really pull off something like this.  It was so nice of them to throw me the shower!  They ordered a TON of food, which was delicious.  But I didn't have too much because I had eaten the lunch I brought with me before my "meeting".  I was able to take some of the leftovers home and Mike and I will have them for dinner tonight.  But on top of lunch, they had cake and gifts too! 

The cake was DELICIOUS!  Of course even though I was pretty full, I was able to eat the cake.  Yes, I'm a fatty.  Sea Monkey insisted that we have some though, so I really blame him.  Here's a roundup of the gifts we got! 


It was such a great time, and I'm really lucky to work with such nice people.  What a great way to start off the week!

In other news .....

*  Sea Monkey is the size of a pineapple.
*  We have our last ultrasound tomorrow.  I'm hoping the tech can give us a "guesstimate" of how big he is. 
*  The countdown is down to 6 weeks, 4 days .... of course we all know by now that I'm praying for an early arrival. 
*  I've started to snore.  Which is pretty ironic because snoring bothers me so much.  I've actually woken myself up a few times from snoring.  Crossing my fingers it goes away when Sea Monkey is born. 
*   Tonight is breastfeeding class for 2 hours .... I'm hoping Mike and I can keep straight faces and be serious, which unfortunately did not happen in the Childbirth Education class Monday night.  I just can't seem to take the breathing exercises seriously and was unable to hold back my snickers and laughter at the end of class.  Hoping we can keep it together for 2 hours of "boobs". 
*  I have 21 days of work left ... CRAZY!!!  When you look at it like that, maternity leave is right around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Aw that was super nice of everyone :) You work with some great people I take it. Hope all is well. Hello Fenway and Bean, oh and the kitty too. Sorry don't know his or her name. Hugs

