Friday, July 12, 2013

Thoughts at 36 Weeks

I've been a relatively bad blogger lately.  Unfortunately, things are not very exciting at the moment, and I've been terrible company.  I'm at the point (36 weeks, 5 days) where I cannot wait to be done with pregnancy.  Why anyone would do this more than once is beyond anything I can comprehend.  And that woman on TV who has 19 kids?  She needs to be committed.

Sea Monkey is still groovin' around in there.  Although lately, I feel him move less and less.  Probably because he's putting on some chub (he's the size of a watermelon!) and has less room to move around.  However, when I do feel him move, it typically hurts and results with me yelping in pain and grabbing my belly. 

Things I'm tired of hearing:
Myself moaning and groaning
I'm sure Mike is sick of this too.  Why does it make you feel better to make noises when you're in pain?  Unfortunately, this happens to me a lot - pretty much whenever I move.  It's annoying.

"He will come when he's ready".  
Well GET ready, dammit.  I can only take so much of this.  And yes, I know he will be born when he's ready.  That's the natural progression of things.  But can't I want him to come now?  

"You look so uncomfortable." 
Yes, I do.  And yes, I am uncomfortable.  You pointing that out to me makes everything so much better. (typically when I'm out shopping or doing errands, at least 1 person will say this to me.)

"How are you feeling?"
In theory, this is a very nice questions.  But when at least 50 people a day ask it, and you feel like shit, it gets annoying.  And do people really want to know the truth?  No.  But they ask anyway.  So since they do, I pretty much make them feel sorry they've asked by telling them the truth ....

So ... how am I feeling?

Tired - I don't sleep anymore.  At least, not much.  Maybe an hour here or an hour there.  And yes, I know I'll never sleep again like I used to.  That's another thing I'm sick of hearing.  Just because my sleep patterns will be different when I'm up with a newborn doesn't make the fact I'm not sleeping now suck any less.  Why am I up all the time?  Well first of all, there's the fact that I get up to pee at LEAST 5-6 times a night.  Thank you Sea Monkey for having your head directly on top of my bladder.  When I'm not up to pee, I'm trying to get comfortable, which at this point, has become an impossible task.  I'm a back sleeper, at least I used to be.  I definitely can't sleep on my back anymore because #1, I can't breathe when I lay down because my damn belly, I mean, my dear child, has so much weight on my lungs I feel like I'm going to suffocate.  #2, it decreases the blood flow to Sea Monkey and it's bad for him.  Ok, so I'll sleep on my sides, no problem.  But wait!  My hips and pelvis are so screwed up right now, I can't get comfortable on my sides either.  The left is worse than the right - when I lay on my left side, I almost immediately have the worse pain you can imagine in my hip.  Ok, so I turn over to the right.  Usually that gets me through for a little while, but you can only sleep on one side for so long before your shoulder / hip begin to ache.  So .... that leaves what?  Standing up?  If only I were a cow .....

Oh wait, I am.   At least I feel like one.  While I've stopped gaining weight (at least the week between my last 2 appointments I didn't gain anything), my pants and shirts seem to be getting smaller.  I can barely squeeze into my work clothes anymore and seriously feel like a sausage most days.  I can no longer wear my work shoes and am now sporting sneakers with dress pants.  I have 4 shirts that still cover my belly, and I wear one each day at work.  I'm sick of wearing the same 4 things each week.  I can't possibly get any bigger, can I?  And then I do .... and so do my stretch marks.  LOVELY.

So I'm not sleeping, I'm feeling fat, and I'm in a TON of pain.  Jeez, people make it look so easy to be pregnant.  They're all liars.  It's not easy - it hurts.  It hurts my back, my feet, my pelvis, my hips.  I swear when I try to walk, or get dressed or get in / out of the bathtub, I feel like my legs are being pulled apart like a wishbone and I'm just going to snap!  My feet hurt, even when I've done nothing but sit around all day.

This is why I haven't written lately.  I'm a mess.  I'm horribly unhappy with 22 days until my official due date, and 16 days until the week my doctor says she will induce me (maybe).  I know, Sea Monkey will come when he's ready. But I want him to be ready now!  I feel useless - I can hardly do anything anymore, and poor Mike must want to go on a long vacation until Sea Monkey is born.  I can't imagine how he deals with me on a day to day basis.  I don't even like being near myself .... He's a saint. 

So, on Sunday, July 14th, I'll officially be 37 weeks.  That means I can start trying all the old wives tales to induce labor naturally.  I've done a bit of reading about these things and there's all sorts of things people suggest from having sex to drinking castor oil.  Neither of which I'm in the mood for right now.  The methods that I've read about that actually get good reviews & outcomes are Acupressure & Acupuncture.  I've found an acupuncturist that will see me to try and induce labor - I just need to make an appointment.  I've played around with acupressure - there's a few pressure points you can stimulate that supposedly starts contractions.  The only one I can reach is on my hand, and the few times I've pressed it, nothing happens.  My whole pregnancy I've been convinced Sea Monkey would come around 2 weeks early.  That means he should be making his appearance around July 21st - which is entirely still possible because that's when we have the next full moon.  Apparently, during the full moon, changes in gravitational pull can cause women to go into labor (if they're already close to their due date).  I was also advised by several people that there's an eggplant parm recipe that "supposedly" helps you induce labor.  We found the recipe online at (Thanks Kathy!).  Mike is planning on making it for me on Sunday.  I don't even like eggplant, but at this point, I'm willing to try anything.

Right now, it's just a waiting game.  I'm desperately hoping Sea Monkey decides very soon that he wants to have his birthday.  I talk to him every day and ask if he wants to come out and meet his mommy & daddy .... sometimes he'll give me a little kick and other times he just ignores me.  I KNOW!  He'll come when he's ready ....

Mike and I are making final preparations for his arrival - we pretty much have everything we need.  Thanks to very generous parents, family, friends, co-workers, and a bit of our own shopping, we really don't need anything else before he gets here.  I've hired a dog walker to be on call to take care of our fur-babies so we don't need to worry about them, car seat bases have been installed (just need to have them inspected), and I only really need to wash his clothes / sheets / blankets .... and I'm not even sure if that really needs to be done.  I mean he's not going to be hurt if I don't get around to it.  Although I'm planning on getting it done this week. 

So that's about it ... (if you've even stuck around to this point) ... Signing off and anxiously awaiting "D-Day".

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