Monday, February 25, 2013

Did I eat a goldfish?

Nope .... no post college sorority initiations here.  The last few days, I've had this feeling below my belly button like there's a goldfish flipping around in there.  But it's not a goldfish, it's Sea Monkey!  I can't believe I'm starting to feel him or her already.  When I sit in certain positions, I can feel the movement more, but whenever I feel it, it's so exciting!  I tried to see if I could feel it from the outside too, so Mike could feel it, but it's too early for that I guess.  Poor Mike will have to wait a little longer!  

The countdown to our anatomy ultrasound continues .... 10 days and counting.  I can't wait to go shopping once we find out!  Hopefully the next 10 days go by quickly .... I'm so impatient I want to go now!  

We continue to make good progress on the nursery, and should have it pretty much set up in the next few weeks.  So stay tuned for a fun picture journey as we get everything ready.  Painting is done, we've  (well, Mike really) moved 90% of our stuff to storage, the closet hanger rail was installed (thanks Mike!) and now we're just waiting for carpet to be installed which should be done on March 9th.  Originally I had it scheduled for the 30th, but since we're done painting, I don't want to wait that long!  Once the carpet is done, we can put together the crib and order the rest of the furniture (just a dresser and a glider).  And of course we can start filling it with really cute boy or girl things after March 7th!  Now if I could just convince Hooper it's not his room anymore ......

Yes, you can often find him in this room - where we used to keep his litter box and food.  Poor little guy has been kicked out.  He just hasn't figured it out yet.  

We also got back the results of the genetic testing (2 blood tests).  Usually, they also add in a measurement from an ultrasound, but Sea Monkey was not cooperating and they couldn't get the measurement.  Regardless, we are in the lowest risk group for the 3 types of chromosomal abnormalities they test for.  While it's not a guarantee, it's very unlikely Sea Monkey will have Downs Syndrome or Spina Bifida.  *phew*!  

Now, just a few fun facts about Sea Monkey:
He or she is the length of a sweet potato this week.  We're certainly working our way through the produce section aren't we?  Sea Monkey may start to yawn and hiccup soon, which I may be able to feel too.  Great, so it's not bad enough if  *I*  get hiccups, but now if Sea Monkey gets them I can feel that too!  Crazy but really, really cool!  

Lots going on .... here's to the next 10 days passing quickly!  

1 comment:

  1. A goldfish swimming in my belly was exactly how I described the feeling to my husband when it started. I keep grabbing his hand and putting it over my belly thinking he'll be able to feel it, but sadly not yet :( Congrats on the progress on your nursery!
